Print & OOH | Archive

A bulk selection of prints made through years.

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Studio Cirasa | TBWA\ Italy | 2016
Cellularline | TBWA\ Italy | 2016
Italgas | TBWA\ Italy | 2016 / 2018
Alpitour | TBWA\ Italy | 2016 | 1 Shortlist, ADCI AWARDS 2016
La Gazzetta dello Sport | TBWA\ Italy | 2015
Vodafone LIVE RED | TBWA\ Italy, Integer Italy | 2013 | 1 Shortlist, BEA AWARDS 2014
Fairy | GREY Worldwide Italy | 2011
Ace Gentile | GREY Worldwide Italy | 2008
16th Young Lions Competition | 2012 | Winner
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This simple print use the horizontal format to play with the movement of the head while reading:
adolescence is one of the most critical periods in life.
Teenagers is facing usually daily problems and doubts, where the answer is mostly negative.
In 2012, with this print campaign I won the 1st Prize
of the Young Lions Competition with the copywriter Luca Pedrani.

I was was 25 yo and it was where all it’s started.